Luxury hotel housing to Iceland
In the summer of 2019 Akso-Haus had the pleasure of taking on a very exciting project. We received an interesting order to build 15 turf house hotel cabins for Torfhús Retreat in Iceland. All the designs and drawings were provided by the client. We were told that the wind gusts in Iceland may reach a colossal 68m/s and it is not uncommon to see rain showers that pour parallel to the ground. Having previously built and delivered projects to Iceland we were confident that we could produce these modules to meet even the harshest weather conditions.
The quality materials used for the interior were brought in from around Europe. Following thorough instructions from our client to meet their designs, we ordered ceramic tiles from Italy, aged wood panels from Austria and sanitary equipment from the UK. We can say with confidence that we have yet to come across a client with such strict demand to the build quality and final details. For us it was a significant landmark to reach a point in the process when the client was satisfied with all the results.